/ EMS Training

Highly Effective, it’s the Training HIT!

/ EMS Training – Electrical Muscle Stimulation

If you’re looking for an effective strength-training method, and love the idea of completing a week’s worth of workouts in just two 20-minute sessions, Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) training is for you! Originally designed for use in space travel, EMS training involves stimulating the muscles with electrical impulses. It provides a highly efficient full-body training method that works deep into the muscles. Do these high-intensity sessions regularly for rapid results.

Highly effective HIT
Build Muscle & Burn Calories

EMS is primarily designed for muscle development but can also improve speed and resilience. It’s also useful to relieve back pain since the electrical impulses are better than other training methods at reaching the deeper muscles. Since an EMS training session is more intense than a standard workout, this method also burns more calories and has a calorific afterburn effect. When you continuously build muscle over long periods, the result can be an improvement in basal metabolic rate causing you to use more energy when at rest – lying down or sleeping – than before you began EMS training.

One exercise session – many effects
  • Exercises the deep muscles

  • Reduces fat mass

  • Burns large amount of calories (afterburn effect)

  • Strengthens all the back muscles

  • Tightens skin

  • Improves muscle tone

Ein Training – mehrfach wirksam
  • Tiefenmuskulatur wird trainiert
  • Fettmasse effektiv reduziert
  • Hoher Kalorienverbrauch (Nachbrenneffekt)

  • Stärkt die gesamte Rückenmuskulatur
  • Hautstraffend

  • Verbesserter Muskeltonus

/ How Does EMS Work?

EMS is a high-intensity training method that uses electrical impulses to stimulate the muscles. These impulses are transmitted by electrodes inside pads that adhere to the skin, or that are integrated into special training suits. EMS training requires professional guidance and equipment. Each training session takes between 15 and 25 minutes.

Mountain Med Resort EMS Training-_

Fotocredit: © Istock, miha bodytec


EMS training targets many muscle groups simultaneously for a quick yet intensive workout.

Activates deep muscles

The electrical impulses reach deeper muscle layers that conventional training methods often fail to stimulate adequately.

Gentle on joints

The impulses generated by Electrical Muscle Stimulation only stimulate the muscles, making this form of training very gentle on joints.

Saves time

Powerful and efficient, just 20 minutes of EMS training per week is enough to bring about results.

/ Top EMS Training Effects
EMS training improves general fitness and promotes muscle building.
EMS is used in physiotherapy to strengthen muscles after injury or surgery and to speed up rehabilitation.
The intensity of this form of training tones your body as it boosts the metabolism, calorie consumption and fat burning.
Athletes use EMS to improve their performance by training specific muscle groups.
EMS after an intensive training session, physical exertion or stressful time helps to relieve muscular tension and break down adhesions.

Fotocredit: © istock, miha bodytech

At the Mount Med Resort, we make sure that EMS training sessions are adapted to suit beginners’ fitness levels. As well as checking that the workout intensity is right, we also ensure that our guests take the right amount of time to recover between sessions.
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