/ Health You Up!
Health has turned into a huge issue in recent years as we’re all becoming more health-conscious. Indeed, the topic is now so ubiquitous that whole lifestyles are built around it. We know that there are different aspects to maintaining good health and preventing illness. These include nutrition, exercise, recovery and mindset. That should be straightforward enough. However, we’re also confronted by a plethora of tips, tricks, programmes, diets, miracle cures and often contradictory expert opinions and studies. Finding your way through the jungle of healthy living advice can be hard. That’s why we say: Let’s Health You Up @ Mount Med Resort!
Benefit 1
We take you on a personalised journey that cuts across the jungle of advice. Our experts approach you as the individual that you are, making sure that everything is tailored and preferences.
/ Expertise
Benefit 2
We work with you to create your actionable
new healthstyle plan, covering nutrition,
exercise & fitness, recovery and mind
health programmes.
/ My Plan
Benefit 3
Enjoying life is the only way to happiness. That’s why we ensure that your new healthstyle fits your life at home, as well as being tailored to your body’s needs.
/ Happy Healthstyle
The quick health check provides basic data for an integrative diagnosis and reveals potential risks. This indicates the right steps to take next, as well as the general direction your new healthstyle should take.
The three-level nutritional programme is tailored to your physical constitution and your body’s needs. It’s designed to protect you against future silent inflammations and premature signs of ageing.
The hammam and Mylife Changer treatments initiate a gentle detox to regenerate the digestive tract and cleanse and exfoliate the skin. Feels like being reborn.
The transition from a life of stress to your own healthstyle takes place in body and mind. That’s why we take a holistic approach. Equipped with your customised tools, you embark on a life of healthevity.
/ Health You Up!
This MOUNT MEDolution includes the following services
/ Medical*
*All medical services are exclusively provided by the private practices.
/ Holistic
Price in euros and per person, excl. accommodation. Arrival MON, TUES, WEDS, THURS & SUN from 2pm. The MOUNT MEDolution you have booked is tailored to your needs and goals and based on the diagnostic results. Any changes or additions to your medical or holistic services will be discussed together with your doctor and health concierge.